
in driver education

  • provides leadership and expertise
  • promotes high quality curriculum standards
  • professional development
  • best educational practices
  • teacher re-certification opportunities
  • public awareness of traffic safety

Annual Spring Conference

Friday, May 3, 2024 — 8 AM to 5 PM

Grappone Conference Center
70 Constitution Ave, Concord, NH

The conference is in-person only and limited to 100 people. Join driver educators, driving schools, and leaders in driver education at our annual conference in Concord. Learn about new products, services, and organizations dedicated to keeping our nation's drivers safe.

Conference Speakers

  • Karren Carreria: Youth Mental Health - Identify, Understand, and Respond
  • Ethan Fisher: Choices Matter - Inspire Students to Make the Right Choices
  • Trooper Walter Biardi: Alarming Increases in Crashes, Traffic Fatalities, Speed, and Distractions
  • Trooper Dupont Supervisor of NH Driver Education: Teens and Trucks
  • Julian Leon: Vermont and New Hampshire Energy Education Programs
  • MADD Advocate: TBA
  • Laurie Farmer: Chair Yoga - Strenthen the Body, Calm the Mind

View the conference agenda.

Conference Registration Rates

Prices include includes, breakfast, coffee, snack breaks, and lunch.

  • $120 per person if you are already an ADTSEA member
  • $170 per person if you are not an ADTSEA member (includes the purchase of an annual ADTSEA membership)

Hotel Reservations
NETSEA has negotiated a special group rate with the Courtyard by Marriott, located at the same address as the Grappone Conference Center. You must book by April 18, 2024 to receive the discounted group rate. Make a reservation.

Register for the Conference


Drivers Ed Solutions AAA ADED - Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists Foundation for a Drug-Free World MADD SADD Drivers Ed Signs Vermont and New Hampshire Energy Education Program

Traffic Safety Education Association Serving:

Map of NETSEA Region

Traffic Safety Education Association Serving:

Bringing liked-minded, thoughtful, and caring professionals together, we work to make even greater strides in driver safety for all.

The New England Traffic Safety Education Association (NETSEA) is a regional association of driver and traffic safety education instructors. From all over the region and beyond, traffic safety educators come to associate with like-minded professionals.

Our goals are to improve driver safety and encourage professional ethics in this industry. For over 40 years, we have striven to bring high standards to driver education and traffic safety. Although our struggle to make our roads safe and our road users better prepared is a never-ending one, we have made it our continued mission to lead the driver and traffic safety industry in this endeavor.

Board of Directors

Gabriella Netsch

Gabriella Netsch


Richard Kearney

Richard Kearney

Vice President

Bruce Renfro

Bruce Renfro


Karren Meyer

Karren Meyer


Al Aubin

Vermont Representative

Cheryl Brehio-LaFond

Rhode Island Representative

Judy Cash

New Hampshire Representative

David Haley

Massachusetts Representative

Beth Kohler

Maine Representative

John Leeds

Rhode Island Representative

Melissa Manson

Vermont Representative

Justin McLane

Vermont Representative

Paul McNamara

Massachusetts Representative

Tammy Pregent

Vermont Representative

Amanda Scamman


Leony Simo

Massachusetts Representative

Sandy Sternberg

New Hampshire Representative

Craig Thomas

New Hampshire Representative

Tony Vine

Maine Representative


Rhode Island

Cheryl Brehio-LaFond
Rhode Island Driver Education Program Coordinator

Michael Kinch
Rhode Island DMV Administrator for Safety & Regulations

Richard Sullivan
Department of Public Safety - State Police

New Hampshire

Richard Dupont
New Hampshire Supervisor of Driver Education


Beth Kohler
Maine DMV Driver/Rider Education Program Manager


Justin McLane
Vermont DMV Supervisor

Tammy Pregent
Education Consultant for Vermont Agency of Education

Patrick McManamon
Vermont DMV Supervisor


Leony Simo
Massachusetts Driver Education Program Coordinator & RMV Liaison to Professional Driving Schools


Joseph Cristalli
Transportation Safety Program Coordinator

Millie Torres-Ferguson
Deputy Commissioner Connecticut DMV